clockwise from top left: vegen puff by Viviny, Lemon pie by Robin, Drunken chicken by Catherine, healthy sweet potato by Thi |
Fried noodle by Fay |
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Ready, get set, EAT |
丙申初冬, 蘭亭客浮生半日懶沾墨, 相約遊園.
園處布市西北隅, 一邊羣山環抱, 一邊鬧市飛橋, 往來交通便利, 園內卻全忘車馬喧.
是日霪雨霏霏, 寒意抖抖, 仍無礙墨客郊遊興緻. 一行十有一人, 齊集入園, 並見莘莘小學子三五成羣在其中溜達, 活潑學習. 眾徒先摘亭而坐, 細賞園中美景. 身置日本花園, 草木剪栽成圓渾型態, 洋溢東瀛風韻, 還植有姿態酷肖櫻花之灌木, 花朵累累, 粉色欲滴, 蘭亭墨客讚譽不绝.
亭內互享各家美食, 膳畢, 缘車徑往觀景台, 援援攀行, 箕踞而傲. 從台遠眺鬧市, 參差華廈盡收眼簾. 台中置椅桌, 一眾笑言下回可在此磨墨寫書.
閒話笑語, 不覺竟至山中湖, 湖畔翠樹葱葱, 一兩水鳥棲息覓食. 湖水如鏡, 映帶左右, 景緻欣然. 墨客沿湖漫遊, 遊目騁懷, 暢敘幽情, 信可樂也.
繼窮山之高而止, 岈然洼然, 若垤若穴. 騷人沉湎於造物者之無窮, 悟身如蜉蝣于天地, 吾生須臾, 修短隨化, 萬物皆不可乎骤得,
泰然處之, 靜赏山間之明月, 抱清風而長終. 不知日之入.
The great pretenders----pretending to write with brushes |
Last Wednesday was no better than the day
before. On Tuesday, there was
rain, but so the sun peeked out from the cloud, leaving the rest of the day
fine and clear.
However, on Wednesday, our picnic day, it had
been raining all morning . Against all odds, we
stuck to our plan.
At 11o’clock, we came to the Japanese Garden. Amazingly the rain
stopped. The garden was full of Oriental bushes and flowers, attracting us to
stay there for lunch. We shared a
diversity of food from everyone. It was such a wonderful time to sample
different food and enjoyed the harmonious landscape.
After lunch, we followed the road to come to a
lookout which let us have
a glimpse of the city
skyscrapers. It is surreal to be so close to the city
in close proximity to nature.
Further up we walked, we came to a big piece of
water. It was a lake
half hidden in the mountain.
There are trees around and water birds were
spotted here and there. It was so full of tranquility
and beauty. We strolled
along the lakeside, getting
into different groups to chat and laugh. It is such
wonderful way to get to know one another amidst
the natural surroundings.
Studying the palm that has been on earth for 2
million years, one would aware the negligible
nature of one's being in the universe and be more
optimistic in one gains and loss in this life.
Before going our separate ways, there
were yells
that we should arrange another outing in the near future.
Roots admirer
Sweeties |
Good Fay finished the miles walk |
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Ong's kung fu show |
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Pay please after the show |
Such a happy positive outlook group so good to see everyone had a good time.
ReplyDeleteHope to see you next time
DeleteWhat a lovely group of happy picnickers! Its a wonderful thing to see you upholding your cultural traditions in this country. Also, for sharing a window of your culture with we locals.
ReplyDeleteGreat to meet nice people who are accepting and appreciate other cultures. Thanks Val