Calligraphy class

Every first and second Wednesday of the month-- Sunnybank Hills Library 1;30-4:00pm

Third Wednesday of the month--- Coopers Plains Library 1:30-4:00pm

Contact : Catherine Wong 0423 094 323

Sunday 4 June 2017


TOP Picnic

Karawatha Forest Park

30 May 2017

See:  Come on buddy, sell like hot cake!

Learn the real way to bbq Waggu steak from TOP chef , Tony 

Lots of helping hands

Healthy tips: frying vegetables and mushrooms

The purple pair

Sandy, Jiela and See (right)

Mrs Chow, Catherine, Mr Yu and Iris

Catherine, Wee Kun, Mrs Tsien, Kitty and Jiela (far right)

Small grin, medium grin and huge grin
Fay, Mrs Chow, Sam, Kitty and Yvonne (far right)

Great pals

Ong was so focused

Glad to meet Som's Hubby, Antony (the tall guy)

Homemade hot honey tea by Yvonne

歲在丙申, 暮秋之末, 會於陽丘側之市立公園, 蘭亭墨客週年聯誼事. 踏青於林野山澗, 洗滌六塵, 雖未懷玄奘法師之貞敏,  亦未稍悟三空之心,  卻盼松風水月, 欲沾澤其清華朗潤.  

是日也, 天朗氣清南風颯颯, 盡顯秋末寒冬之意. 墨客未懼冷流,  圍爐暢敘, 一觴一詠, 閒話家常, 或大肉一口, 或小斟低唱,  雖趣舍各殊,静躁不同,但亦欣於所遇,暂得于己,怏然自得, 各盡其才, 各取所需歌聲笑語融入花間松蔭中不知老之將至.

Park entrance
Sam, Yvonne, Mr Wang, See, Iris, Sandy and Catherine(far right)

Found our shy native

Catherine, Iris, Fay and Kitty (far right)

Caught in a singing frenzy, led by Kitty

Fay followed with the 帝女花, LIKED by everyone

Part of our great audience

Climb every mountain

Wonderful people all over

See you next year!