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Mr Jiang's art |
Mr Jiang commenting homework |
轉瞬間, 江元老師在上周與我們相聚最後一課, 便啓程回山東老家.
回想江老師第一次來<蘭亭雅聚>, 只是一個人坐在門口與廚房之間的長桌旁,背向大家, 靜靜地寫字. 同學告訴我有新人加入, 我禮貌地與他打招呼, 請教姓名, 卻不知江先生是精研王羲之聖教序, 又寫得一手好草書的高手. 當時真是有眼不識泰山. 還請他交2元會費.
在這幾個月來, 江老師很熱心和我們分享書法心得, 特別是右軍的聖教序. 老師對帖內每一個字都瞭若指掌, 能道出每一筆畫的特色. 並說臨帖如畫人物畫, 愈像愈好.
上周三老師就為我們作臨別秋波前的功課評點, 對掛得滿滿的功課, 看了幾眼, 便總結一個通病: 練習不足. 即是小時候, 媽媽常拿著雞毛撢子, 對著疏於做作業的我駡: 「懶! 」
上海黄奇贵老師曾在班上說: 一日不練自己知, 兩日不練老師知, 三日不練大家知.
江老師還指出我們要找「明」師. 「明」師指導我們自行學習, 教會我們從名家的碑帖中學習. 又叮囑我們要讀帖, 仔細了解帖中每個字的結構, 筆畫, 清楚明白, 胸有成竹後才下筆. 不是邊看邊寫.
老師語重心長, 希望我們掌握學習書法竅門, 以後有所長進. 我也謙恭地為<蘭亭>人向江老師說: 我們以後會快快做完家務, 快快督促阿仔温習, 然後快快開枱寫大字.
Mr Jiang Yuan had his last lesson with us last
Wednesday before he heads
back home to China.
It had been a very enlightening lesson. Mr Jiang indicated that it is
desirable for us to practise every day, even for half an hour. Of course, the
more the better. If we are copying from a script, we should first try to
imitate the exact strokes. It is like drawing a portrait. The image in the
portrait should be as close to the real person as possible.
That’s why Mr Jiang said that we have to study the script: understand
every stroke, understand is shape well before we start to write.
Mr Jiang said a good teacher will teach you how
to learn from the scripts,
how to find the way to learn.
Thank you Mr Jiang for being such enthusiastic in
sharing his writing experience
with us. We hope to see him again when
he visits his daughter and family in Brisbane soon.
Most importantly, I hope calligraphy
can bring
about fun and pleasure to everyone and to share with among friends.
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Mr Jiang and Mr He, Mainland calligraphers |
Mr Jiang's motto: Practise hard, put the script in the heart and express it on paper |
Although I couldn't understand what Mr Jiang said, I loved his very active, visible enthusiasm and passion.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I couldn't understand what Mr Jiang said, I loved his very active, visible enthusiasm and passion.