Calligraphy class

Every first and second Wednesday of the month-- Sunnybank Hills Library 1;30-4:00pm

Third Wednesday of the month--- Coopers Plains Library 1:30-4:00pm

Contact : Catherine Wong 0423 094 323

Saturday, 7 May 2016

此中見真情 Can’t do without you

Hotel style high tea in TOP

Glamourous fruit bouquet

 TOP mums

蘭亭雅聚第二年與會員慶祝母親節, 今年勝舊年.

 High tea 的糕點, 是上課前一個半小時在Sunnybank Plaza內兩間餅店團團轉千挑萬選, 然後馬上拿到圖書館小廚房內加工切成精美形狀再小心翼翼堆砌在三層碟架上, 盡量似模似樣, 像荷李活大酒店做那般高檔

另一邊廂創意七彩水果串燒, 搖身一變就成花束形狀, 令人眼前一亮. 而籌劃, 構思, 材料, 早在兩三天前開始.

去年送給母親會員的是朱古力玫瑰花, 今年就想送鮮花, 但接近母親節, 打探花店玫瑰:  $10一支康乃馨$7.  正在惆悵中, 喜見青蘋果超市玫瑰一打大支夾抵買人忙完七彩水果盤就衝去圖書館旁超市買花氣羅氣喘買了回來, 還要在廚房把它們獨立包裝……..外邊傳來書法老師講座聲.

蘭亭雅聚會員是有口福的還有阿Wing詠嫦帶來鹵水牛展錢太泡制吞拿魚釀牛角包, Sam 沃泮奉上水晶糕, 维羣分享杏仁小鬆餅, 敏霞Sharon烤了蒜容包. 本來的小High tea變了大High tea.  一樂也!

這次「羣賢畢至, 少長咸集」, 暢敘友誼, 要多謝各新舊會員參加支持, 與及上述「加料」的同學, 還有創意無限「瞓身」幫忙的Yvonne, 一人負責繁複的水果盤, 買玫瑰兼包裝打扮.  

最後, 大家自發收拾食物, 杯盤, 桌椅.  聚會後, 會議室及小廚房回服整潔,  充份表現TOP積極齊心精神----「蘭亭有你難得有你」.

left:  Fay, Donnie, Valerie, Catherine

Right:  Robin

left: Yvonne, Rank, See, Wing, Catherine

Last Wednesday was a real good time for 

everyone. There was just one and a half hour for 

us to buy the various cakes from the cake shop in 

Sunnybank Plaza, slice them to mini pieces and 

put them nicely on the 3 tiers.

Then Yvonne was busy shaping the fruit salad and 

then rushed to get the roses from Wooly and 

speedily packing them individually so that our 

ladies could take them home happily.

To our best surprise, Wing brought in spicy beef 

shin; Mrs Tsien was generous to present the 

mountain of Tuna in Croissant, Sam brought 

crystal dessert, Wee Kun brought almond 

minicake and Sharon brought garlic bread.

Thanks to everyone who had helped and offered to

help. We will need your help next time.

All of you have made TOP  Mother’s Day 

celebration a success.

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TOP mums with  roses

clockwise from top left :  garlic bread, tuna in croissant, almond mini cakes, high tea set

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