何先生作品一Mr He's artwork |
何先生作品二Mr He's artwork |
何先生作品三Mr He's artwork |
終於參觀了何俠齋先生在Indooroopilly圖書館舉行的書法展. 雖然沒有寬敞的展覽場地, 沒有特設的燈光效果, 但仍可使人聯想上海書畫界在展覽方面的概念.
何先生是用斗方形式展示作品, 既全部寫在正方宣紙上, 而以裁成正方的人造物料托底, 脫離傳統所用的绫锦纸绢加中式木框. 可以說是要中國書畫配合時代的節奏, 不拘泥於古老的束縛.
除了裝裱外, 何先生也把另些非傳統元素放在作品裏, 例如把線條縱橫並列, 字置其中, 看來儼如中國棋盤玩意. 這些都是值得我們參考的現代書法的表現手法.
何先生的作品包括創作詩詞, 呈現書法家能自書作品的高雅境界.
與何先生同場展出, 另有陸天言先生. 陸先生是來自無錫書法家, 也曾到訪過我們書法班. 大家有空可前往參觀.
陸先生作品一Mr Lu's artwork |
陸先生作品二Mr Lu's artwork |
陸先生作品三Mr Lu's artwork |
The calligraphy exhibition of Mr He Xiazhai is
being held in Indooroopilly
Library. The
characteristic of Mr He’s exhibits is that they are
all mount on synthetic
materials that are
commonly used in sun-blocking blinds. In fact,
Yvonne had
helped Mr He to create those
innovative mountings. This is an out-of- tradition way to present calligraphy art. In a way, the presentation reflected the current
exhibition trend of Chinese art exhibition in Shanghai.
Another trendy device is Mr He put vertical and
horizontal lines among
individual word
characters, which resembles a Chinese chess board game. Besides,
original poems are included.
In addition to Mr He’s work, there are the scrolls
of Mr Lu Tian-yan, a
Wuxi calligrapher who had
visited TOP earlier.
If you have time, it is worth visiting the
Cantonese Opera in Brisbane
鐵掌拒柔情(武則天與狄人傑故事) |
艷曲醉周郎( 小喬與周瑜故事) |
牡丹亭驚夢 |
It is a rare chance to see a good show of
Cantonese Opera in Brisbane.
The Multi Art Association of Queensland had put
up a magnificent show in Our Lady of Lourdes
Primary School last Sunday 17 April.
The Chinese opera comprises a lot of traditional
arts namely, poetry, old folklores, ancient beliefs,
literature , history ,calligraphy, and more.
If you have a chance, do go and feel the art of the
Chinese Opera. It will definitely be an
unforgetable experience.
Cantonese opera legend Ms Yam Bing-yi 有幸一睹粤劇红伶任冰兒風華 |
上週日, 有幸欣賞一場在布市難得一遇的粤劇戲曲, 由<綜藝會>主辦.
這次演出有曲目八項, 其中五項是「戲」, 即是盛裝加做手. 所以像我這個不太懂粤劇唱功藝術的阿丙, 也可欣賞靚衫靚人靚功架. 八個曲目中有三個是名編劇作家唐滌生的作品 : 「百花亭贈劍」, 「牡丹亭驚夢」及「庵遇, 相認」.
唐滌生先生一生共寫了446個劇本 (維基資料).
「燈街拾翠憐香客, 博得御香新染狀元袍. 春宵衾底尚餘温, 轉眼分飛踏上陽關路……」
以上數句,<紫釵記>之[陽關折柳], 辭藻盡是清雋雅麗,反映了唐滌生先生國學水平之高, 值得學書者多看多讀多學.
書法藝術包涵詩詞歌賦, 傳统戲曲亦由上述藝術元素组成, 兩者實有互通之處. 有機會大家可多留意.
同場遇上知音客翠霏Fay, 鳳鳴 Bonnie及錢太. 快哉!
任冰兒小姐, 香港花旦林小葉小姐( 右四), 小生吳寧小姐(右三) |