Calligraphy class

Every first and second Wednesday of the month-- Sunnybank Hills Library 1;30-4:00pm

Third Wednesday of the month--- Coopers Plains Library 1:30-4:00pm

Contact : Catherine Wong 0423 094 323

Monday, 22 February 2016

慶丙申猴年 TOP starts off in Year of the Monkey

Lantern Festival at Queensland chinese school (21 Feb)

TOP helped in the stall

Kids were quite keen in trying out the brush
Mums gave lots of encouragement

Below is a poem by Fay, writing about our CNY celebration. Bravo!






Future calligraphers


Sunday, 14 February 2016

CNY celebration 2016團拜. 對聯DIY

210日年初三蘭亭雅聚新春團拜美餚如----甜咖哩雞臘腸糯米飯深井燒鴨越南春卷, 醉雞等等. 大家大快朵頤.


玩法是首先分组組員確定後每組收到上联(五字).  下聯的五個字被分拆, 组員們要在最短時間把下聯的字句重組.


然後來到第五對對聯, 便是對聯DIY.

每组收到七字上聯, 然後自由創作下聯.

上聯是:    一窗佳景王维畫

大家馬上腦筋急轉彎, 依照對聯創作的一些基本概念思考, 比如詞性相對:

至於平仄, 是較難掌握, 唯有依讀來是否順口, 好听來决定用字.

大家創作出來的下聯, 連評審何俠齋老師都讚不絕口:

On the third day of the Chinese Lunar Year, TOP 

held the new year celebration. We gathered at 

Sunnybank Hills Library, meeting room. 

Everyone brought a plate. There were heaps of 
good food:  curry chicken, sticky rice with chinese sausage, roast duck, Vietnamese spring rolls, drunken chicken and lots more. We ate and 

We did some games including Know one another 

Bingo and Chinese red couplets DIY. We had a 

wonderful time.

New friends Marianne and Amanda

Sunday, 7 February 2016

蘭亭雅聚迎新歲 Chinese new year lucky scrolls give away


蘭亭雅聚已是第二年在Sunnybank Hills圖書館即席揮毫送春聯. 今年與圖書館方面預先商討, 在農曆新年期間, 一連三日, 在館內書寫揮春, 送給街坊. 圖書館也給我們贊助部分經費.

二月四日早上九時多, 大家就帶齊工具物品, 在圖書館入口旁搭起攤位, 佈置充滿新年氣氛. 連圖書館負責人都讚不絕口我們沒有特別分工,  大家自動自覺走到各崗位有些坐下寫揮春有的向本地人介紹揮春的意義有的裁剪春聯紙.

我們還準備好全盒, 讓大眾更了解中國習俗; 小孩子見了放滿糖果的全盒, 更加開心.

最後, 多謝這三天幫忙的同學, 不計教幫忙瑣碎工作, 總是充滿熱誠多謝何俠齋老師三天都來寫春聯多謝把攤位佈置得美侖美奐的設計師;   還要多謝遠在台灣的余文賢老師.


Free Chinese couplets give away by TOP

TOP was delighted to carry out the Chinese couplets writing in the Sunnybank Hills Library during the Chinese New Year. There were crowds at our stall during the 3 days: 4th, 5th and 6th February.

Our volunteers were busy writing the lucky red scrolls, explaining to locals about the tradition of putting up red scrolls before the arrival of the CNY. 

The crowd loved to watch us write and were amazed to learn about the different blessings of the scrolls.  They were excited to bring home the scrolls which symbolise good fortune through the year.

Sincere thanks to the mates who helped in the stall which wrapped up in success. 

TOP is lucky to have you.

Snacks from the CANDY BOX   小孩子認識全盒

Great mates

Thanks Mary and Sonia for bringing snacks to us

love Freida's scroll

Mates on the third day

Neil chose a scroll for his son---WORK HARD, MATE

Amanda and mum

