2月10日年初三, 蘭亭雅聚新春團拜,
美餚如----甜咖哩雞, 臘腸糯米飯,
深井燒鴨, 越南春卷, 醉雞等等. 大家大快朵頤.
玩法是首先分组, 組員確定後,
每組收到上联(五字). 下聯的五個字被分拆, 组員們要在最短時間把下聯的字句重組.
大家果然利害, 四對對聯輕易重組成功.
然後來到第五對對聯, 便是對聯DIY.
每组收到七字上聯, 然後自由創作下聯.
上聯是: 一窗佳景王维畫
大家馬上腦筋急轉彎, 依照對聯創作的一些基本概念思考, 比如詞性相對:
至於平仄, 是較難掌握, 唯有依讀來是否順口, 好听來决定用字.
大家創作出來的下聯, 連評審何俠齋老師都讚不絕口:
On the third day of the Chinese Lunar Year, TOP
held the new year
celebration. We gathered at
Sunnybank Hills Library, meeting room.
Everyone brought
a plate. There were heaps of
good food:
curry chicken, sticky rice with chinese sausage, roast duck, Vietnamese spring
rolls, drunken chicken and lots more. We ate and
We did some games including Know one another
Bingo and Chinese red couplets DIY. We had a
wonderful time.
New friends Marianne and Amanda |