疫情影響下, <蘭亭雅聚年展> 停了兩年2020,2021.
間歇性停課, 不表示同學們練習停下, 堅強的意志, 學習的興趣, 就展現在繼往開來的第六屆展覽中.
「路遙知馬力」, 從第五屆十多二十位參展有同學, 到今屆只六位仍然堅持走在書法路上的同學, 能一齊同行, 是缘份, 是福份......
還有伴著我們的老師- 余文賢老師和王川銘老師. 感謝!
Venue: Sunnybank Hills Library
This is our 6th Anniversary Exhibition, coming back after 2 years' cancellation due to covid.
It reflects the unbending will, the persistance of our members, actively learning and now displaying their efforts.
Thanks to the guidance of our teachers, Mr Allen Yu and Mr Wang.