Calligraphy class

Every first and second Wednesday of the month-- Sunnybank Hills Library 1;30-4:00pm

Third Wednesday of the month--- Coopers Plains Library 1:30-4:00pm

Contact : Catherine Wong 0423 094 323

Sunday, 12 May 2019

母親節2019花絮 Mother's Day 19

What's special for 2019 Mother's Day for TOP is that the Chinese painting classmates were added to  the celebration for the first time. This means diversity and member power has increased in the TOP circle.

Delicacies served in a 3-tier is a tradition in our celebration. Cakes and pastries chosen are fit for the Queens.

Then the party would not finish without a game. The display of anonymous childhood photos began the guessing game.  Thanks to the support of our gorgeous members who shared a wonderful moment of their past with us. 

Vicky got all correct names in the guess and got the mulberry essence donated by Mr Liang. Hurray!!

Mother's Day High Tea with beautiful calligraphy in the backdrop

The Guess Who game

Winner of the guessing game!

Co-celebrating dear See's birthday

Zucchini with salmon slices, tastes from heaven, by Freida

(from far left) Vicky, Janice, Phyllis, Grace

(front) Sandy and See

(from far right) Som, See , Mr Chen

Welcome 王寬 ( Far left See, Catherine, Jame, Wang)

Caring James with lots of patience

Great to see Greg after away for a few weeks

(far left)  Brenda, Fay, Greg,  Phyllis

Vicky with Mr Huang 黄奇貴老師 and 師母

Thanks 玉姐 for her help and her super spongy pandan cake

The flower girls, great job!

Couldn't resist not taking a photo with the beautiful art and food 

Thanks Yvonne for purchasing those brilliant flowers for our lovely mums

TOP team 2019

Happy Mother's Day  2019!