Calligraphy class

Every first and second Wednesday of the month-- Sunnybank Hills Library 1;30-4:00pm

Third Wednesday of the month--- Coopers Plains Library 1:30-4:00pm

Contact : Catherine Wong 0423 094 323

Sunday, 18 November 2018

四載齊歡慶 蘭亭翰墨情 TOP 4th Anniversary

川銘老師賀聯   (釋文在末)


水源兄賀詞  (釋文在末)


TOP has reached its 4th Birthday.  

We started with a small bunch of people who would like to keep doing calligraphy after we reluctantly left our meeting venue in Taiwan Centre, Sunny Park four years ago.

With this collected stamina, we found an even better meeting place, keep our friendship, and share the beauty of Chinese writing with more beloved mates . 

Now we come to another milestone in our calligraphy journey after putting up a brilliant display again in Sunnybank Hills library this year. To toast to our 4th Anniversary, we ate, drank and be merry.

Date:  14 November (wed), 
Place: Yumcha BBQ, Warrigal square
Time:  11:45am

Our teacher Mr Yu, Mr Wang and Mr Jiang  kindly accepted our invitation. Together with 22 of the students, we enjoyed a wonderful time.


後,  師;
助, 折, 勵, 持, 風破浪上, 生.



(鳴谢攝影奇才Yvonne    :)