TOP 2nd Annual Exhibition <蘭亭雅聚>第二屆書法 |
余文賢老師Allen |
左: 山東江源老師 Jiang 右: 上海何俠齋老師 He |
何定鋼大師兄 Ding |
孫玉颜 Yvonne |
左: 孫玉颜 Yvonne 右: 余文賢Allen |
籌備了幾個月, <蘭亭雅聚>第二屆書法展順利展開.
今天展覽, 參考了何俠齋老師的意見, 一部分展品用「斗方」形式呈現, 在傳统上注入現代氣 息, 作品排 列起, 看起來整齊專業.
今年參展的有十二位同學, 四位老師. 書法作品十四件. 除了書法作品, 今年還加入水墨畫, 作畫同學有隨國畫老師學習, 有的是自習而成, 都希望在水墨的情趣中開拓新天地.
是次展覽能順利進行, 要多謝余文賢老師的指導, 孫玉颜同學Yvonne 裝裱所有斗方作品. 最重要是同學們不斷努力練習, 不斷改善作品, 令此次展出令人眼前一亮, 亦提升了<蘭亭雅聚>的書法水平.
<蘭亭雅聚>第二屆書法展, 全賴老師和同學們的努力不懈, 才取得是次成功.
左: Teri 右: 梁義松 Leong |
左: 周沃泮Sam 右: 林敏霞 Sharon |
梁翠霏 Fay |
左: 潘鳳鳴 Bonnie 右: 張麗嬋Sandy |
左: 潘鳳鳴Bonnie 右: 林國華Robin |
左: 孫玉颜Yvonne 右: 黄秀慧Catherine |
TOP 2nd Annual Exhibition has officially begun
on the 7 September.
The standout feature of the Exhibition is the use of
square framing
in some of the exhibits. In addition, we tend to unify the use of framing
material so that all the artworks display a sense of
unity. It adds a touch of professionalism to the whole display too.
Beside calligraphy artworks, we added Chinese
paintings so that there is a variety of genres in the Exhibition.
We express our gratitude to Mr Allen Yu who has
given much advice to us. Then, Yvonne has contributed a lot of effort to finish most of
the framing of the artworks.
Last but not least, big thanks to all of you who
have strived hard tohand in your best artwork . Without you,
the Exhibition would not have been a success.
左: 孫玉颜 右: 錢希真 |
左: Greg 右: Teri |
Looking forward a better year!
Looking forward a better year!