Calligraphy class

Every first and second Wednesday of the month-- Sunnybank Hills Library 1;30-4:00pm

Third Wednesday of the month--- Coopers Plains Library 1:30-4:00pm

Contact : Catherine Wong 0423 094 323

Friday, 25 March 2016

寫在鳥語花香間 Calligraphy is in the air


左梁翠霏書,  右 周沃泮書 left Fay Leung, right Sam Chow

左一陳燕芳書left Freida Chan

林敏霞書 Sharon Lam

歲在丙申時值初秋,  書法好友乃相约高埠書館.  羣秀紛至, 先後置自書簡於欄柵. 頃間, 作品隨風飛翔於蓝天白雲, 如白鷺翔空. 眾人忙按書欣賞, 迎風互通心得, 交口讚譽.

及余師抵, 施施然坐于首席, 娓娓評指各人書作利弊. 一眾或點頭稱是, 或强記於心, 以為日後修善, 不知日之西下.

Last Wednesday was an enjoyable afternoon when we sat in the open air to listen to Mr Yu go through our homework. With Mr Yu’s comments, we comprehended our mistakes and the merits of others . Gradually we came to understand the elements a good piece of writing consists of. It’s a pleasant time to integrate calligraphy with nature and to appreciate it in the most relaxed manner.

余文賢老師評點書作 Mr Allen Yu giving comments

黄秀慧書Catherine wong