Calligraphy class

Every first and second Wednesday of the month-- Sunnybank Hills Library 1;30-4:00pm

Third Wednesday of the month--- Coopers Plains Library 1:30-4:00pm

Contact : Catherine Wong 0423 094 323

Thursday, 12 November 2015

蘭途有你 TOP first anniversary

TOP artists蘭亭雅士

Anniversary cake loved by all

Only for the gourmands

第一次上書法課, 2011年初.

那時候是在Sunny Park 旁的台灣中心. 上課同學平均有十數人, 大伙兒時而靜心專注臨摹, 時而圍著老師桌聽講.

記得學了半年, 剛巧是「辛亥革命一百週年書法比賽」, 余老師就鼓勵新舊同學齊參加. 那時候真是慌張不巳, 筆還未拿定在手, 墨也未掌握濃淡, 纸性仍是一知半解. 余老師仍是安撫大家大胆嘗試.

面對潔白如玉的書法卷軸 , 書寫有閃失的話, A$20一張事小, 有損卷軸的冰清玉潔事大! 不能寫歪, 不能寫錯…..就這樣戰戰兢兢地寫了第一幅紀念辛亥革命的楷書作品.

此後, 余老師逐漸介紹棣書, 篆書, 然後行草. 後者是筆者個人認為最引人入勝, 最可抒發情懷, 表現個人性格的書體之一.
2011-14在台灣中心期間, 遇過不少從國內到訪的書法家, 有上海來的黃奇贵老師, 何俠齋老師, 山東孫有祥老師無錫陸天言老師都給我們具啟發性的指導.

黃奇贵老師教畫蘭, , ; 何俠齋老師為大家提齋名, 孫有祥老師以他的小楷<蘭亭序>和<千字文>示範書寫所需的耐性與坚持


走在蘭亭路上, 環顧同行友人, 每每都給與一已啓示與力量. 澳洲姑娘Janis, 是跟隨余老師學習最久的大師姐, 因為看上草書, 雖然未必對文字一一了解, 就這樣與書法談了半生的情.

大隻佬醫生Greg, 寫了大半年「大」字, 忽然間, 全頁練習纸, 十五個字, 字字不同, 筆劃粗細有緻, 令人頓覺蘭亭路上柳暗花明.

<蘭亭雅聚>始於201411, 書法班從台灣中心轉移陣地, 在圖書館重新綻放新苗, 有幸舊同學不離不棄, 余老師繼續教導, 而新加入的同學注入無限熱忱, 才走到<蘭亭雅聚書法展>, <中華文化節>, <蘭亭雅聚一週年>.

蘭亭路上, 喜您相伴.

Calligrapher He何俠齋老師

Calligrapher Suen孫有祥老師與孫同學

with Mr and Mrs Suen

Mr Zhoa's art 趙春發先生墨寶

Calligrapher Lu 陸天言老師

TOP is excited to be one year old. But to each individual in TOP, their writing journey varies from 7 years to a few weeks. However, we are still one.

The first time to come into contact with calligraphy was at Taiwan Centre, 2011. During that time, we crowded round Mr Yu to listen or retreat back to our little spot at the long desk to practise.

Do you remember in the same year, we were asked to take part in the CHINESE REVOLUTION 100  YEARS ANNIVERSARY COMPETITION? It’s nerve-wracking to write on the luxurious scroll for fear of making the tiniest writing error. Still we submitted our work.

Then we came across wonderful artists from China who gave us so much knowledge in calligraphy through their demonstration and experience.

Looking around TOP, there are people who are so inspiring when it comes to perseverance and passion.

Janis is one I look upon when she displays her endless love for the grass script and her determination to perfect against all odds.

Greg’s return is very encouraging and his will to keep going and advance in the art is so strong and ‘contagious’.

A lone man is hard to strive in the journey of calligraphy. But with you, we can.

See Tsien came to our fun despite his recent cataract operation... cool man

Blissful lasses

Bonnie:  See our delicacies

We are TOP