Nathan and Mr Yu demonstrating |
<蘭亭雅聚>應邀參加十月十七日在Sunnybank Plaza 舉行的中華文化日.
當天除了書法示範外, 還有太極表演, 中國旗袍展示, 合唱團獻唱及中國音樂演奏. 令人耳目一新是蘇州刺繡展覽, 裝裱店Framing Corner門內門外都展列繽紛色彩的蘇繡作品, 題材由中國蘭竹至西方仕女花卉, 涉取廣泛. 顏色變化多端自然.
我們被安排在裝裱店前, 即席揮筆, 介紹各種書體. 我們當初打算為本地澳洲人寫中文名字, 後來有澳洲奶奶要為她混血的孫女寫中文名, 有台灣媽媽為她三個華裔兒女寫名, 有武漢留學生為她三個朋友寫名, 攤位前很是熱鬧.
最有趣是一位叫Josie的女士, 她與丈夫很有耐性地在書法攤位看了很久, 我上前與她聊天. 她說出一個兒時往事.
约40年前, 她在Valley讀書. 每天早上上學她都經過一間店舖. 裏頭有著一位老人家, 斑斑白髮, 下巴留著長長鬍子, 坐在店內, 或是寫書法, 或是畫蘭竹雞馬. 那時她都會被老者的畫吸引, 停下來, 隔著玻璃看他寫呀畫呀, 直至老者向她點頭, 她也向老者點頭, 直至上課鈴聲快響……..直至今日, 還忘不了那天與中華文化的邂逅…..
中國文人, 很久很久以前已經在這紅土地上播下文化的種子. 日子一天一天過去, 每天, 都有著有心人為這小種子灌溉, 希望這小種子在紅土地開花…..
謹代表<蘭亭雅聚>學員們, 向長鬍老學者致敬.
最後, 中華文化日主辦單位 Framing Corner負責人姚瑤小姐提出免費為我們重新裝裱<蘭亭雅聚>匾額, 在此也鳴謝姚小姐, 並祝貴店生意興隆.
TOP has the honour to take
part in the Chinese Cultural Day held in Sunnybank Plaza on the 17th
There were a variety of
activities on that day, namely Tai Chi performance, Chinese dresses show, choir
and Chinese instrumental performances.
What was spectacular was a
display of Su Embroidery in front of Framing Corner. There are works of
embroidery of different subjects, varies from traditional orchid and bamboo themes
to western portraits and flowers.
TOP was situated in front
of Framing Corner. We wrote Chinese names for local people on red paper.
Then, I heard the story
from Josie, who watched
us for a long time. Josie said 40 years ago, when
was studying in a primary school in Fortitude Valley. Every morning on her way
to school, she walked past this shop where an elderly man with a long white beard
writing Chinese characters or drawing on rice paper. She would be drawn to the
shop window, watched the old man as he was working on his art. She would watch
until the old man nodded to her and she nodded back to him. She would watch
until the school bell was going to ring. This day, it took her back 40 years
ago to that shop window, to those Chinese characters that she was so familiar with……
The seed of Chinese
cultural was sown on this red soil long long time ago. There are people who
keep watering until one day, the flowers blossom…….
Our deepest tribute to this
white beard scholar in the Valley.
Lastly, Cultural Day
organiser and manager of Framing Corner , Miss Yao, has agreed to make a new
frame for our TOP logo. We express our sincere gratitude to Miss Yao.
Josie (wearing torquise necklace) and her sweet memories |
with Freida and Elizabeth |
Su Enbroidery |
with Miss Yao at Framing Corner |