Calligraphy class

Every first and second Wednesday of the month-- Sunnybank Hills Library 1;30-4:00pm

Third Wednesday of the month--- Coopers Plains Library 1:30-4:00pm

Contact : Catherine Wong 0423 094 323

Monday, 31 August 2015

Calligraphy paper pasting 裱糊作品心得齊齊享

上周三 (26/8) , 有幸書法同學Freida Elizabeth帶齊工具澄粉漿, 大小刷子, 噴水壺大木板等等向大家傳授裱糊基礎知識

Freida從開始在作品紙背噴水上漿, 刷子用法, 清清楚楚把每一步驟講解及示範給大家看同學們如有在家實習, 可把裱糊實習品帶來班上大家研究改善.

陸天言老師也來到與同學們分享書法心得, 大家得到指導, 獲益良多.

Last Wednesday, Freida and Elizabeth shared 

their knowledge of calligraphy pasting with the class.

Tools included sticky paste, big and small brushes,

 spray bottle, backing wood piece. Freida 

explained and demonstrated every step clearly

and stressing the key issue in every step.

Many of us showed Master Lu Tien-yan our homework and we thanked MrLu for giving us heaps of feedback.

Freida explained the way to calligraphy pasting

Demonstrating the way to use the  brush

Adding the backing paper

Mr Lu giving comments

Mr Lu's patience to explain

Impressively focused in work

Tony and Teri's tremendous tasks

Welcome back Greg

Most hardworking See

Procedures of calligraphy pasting

It has been a great time for everyone. Keep up 

with our good effort!

Thursday, 6 August 2015

蘭亭雅趣 TOP Chinese Calligraphy Exhibition2015

「歲在乙未, 隆冬之末, 蘭亭雅士会於澳邦布市書館, 交流書藝也. 喜羣秀雲集, 雖無茂林修竹, 清流激湍, 仍懷興思飛, 相儒以沬, 忘於江湖.  文士或相互切磋, 或評品書文, 或即席揮毫, 莫不議論侃侃, 擊節稱賞, 相扶互勉 .  繼共品美點, 濃茶一口, 而不知日之西落.

在一片熱鬧聲中, 「蘭亭雅聚」首次作品展, 順利展开序幕. 三十七幅書畫, 洋洋灑灑的展列在Sunnybank Hills圖書館內. 本來擔心不夠展品, 在同學的暗暗努力下, 竟掛滿圖書館的牆壁!

此外, 令人感動興奮, 是同學們有默契地分工合作, 有幫助作品還未裝裱的同學;  有幫助掛上作品的, 特別是梁義松大兄, 紮馬鐵梯, 一一為大家的作品高高掛上, 好驚險!   還有燕芳, 玉颜指揮作品放置以達视覺之娛. 新同學們有些雖未有展品, 有仍在喧鬧中靜靜習字, 學習之心令人敬佩.

最難得莫過於何定鋼師兄攜同無錫陸天言老師, 陳先生來指導.  陸老師即席揮毫, 教導大家書寫要点;  還觀看同學作品, 給予意見, 好讓同學們日後改善.

「蘭亭雅聚」自去年十一月成立, 短短九個月, 竟然有如此浩浩蕩蕩的展出, 不能不驚嘆同學們對書法鑽研的毅力與堅持

還有多謝余文賢老師默默指導, 提供各式書帖給同學參考臨摹.

希望將來定期展出同學作品, 作為鼓勵同學的創作及提升水平. 也期待書法老師們繼續給我們指導與批評. 大家在書寫與美食茶聚中, 享受書法的樂趣.

5 August 2015d has been a terrific day for TOP ---the first exhibition of members’ artwork in Sunnybank Hills Library. It is awesome that everyone is cooperating to make it a success. 

The huge number of exhibits is a surprise to everyone. There are a toatl of 37 pieces of artwork, including calligraphy and painting. In fact, at the beginning we worried there's not enough exhibits to fill the display wall of the library.

The stunting display of TOP members attributes to the hard work of every member . We would continue to share our passion for the art of calligraphy and treasure the friendship we made in the process.

We thank the calligraphy teachers who have helped to make it a success.

左1,2 詹行榮作品Left 1,2 Nathan Chiem's artwork

Fay Leung's Buddhist poem

Nathan , 小心梯級!Watch out Nathan!

李羨瑜的「國泰民安, 天下太平」Elizabeth's art work ' Peace and Prosperity'

左: 黃奇贵老師的蘭;  右:  小孫的梅
left: Master Wang     right: Yvonne Suen

Master Suen


左: 陳燕芳作品,   中:  錢希真作品
left: Freida Chan      middle: See Tsien

上海黃奇贵老師作品 Master Wang

陸天言老師示範「滚滾長江東逝水...」Master Lu demo

Janis 作品 Janis Petterson's art work

Please come to visit our exhibition in Sunnybank Hills Library 5 -31 August 2015

歡迎蒞臨參觀蘭亭雅聚書法展, 八月五日至卅一日, Sunnybank Hills 圖書館, Brisbane, Australia