昨天到圖書館上書法課, 遲到10分鐘, 靦腆進入課室, 看見眾同學圍坐桌旁, 耐心聆聽. 中間坐著一位嘉賓講者. 經何定鋼師兄介紹, 原來是陸天言先生.
无锡市横云书画院书画师、著名书法家. 陸先生向大家淺談學習書法心得, 大家都聽到入神.
此時, 圖書館突然被推開, 走進來的,
是位拖著黑色皮革箱, 一頭濃密銀髮, 驟眼以為是荷李活的李察基爾, 定神一看, 原來是余老師. 眾同學看見久違了的老師, 當然高兴. 余老師原來當天早上才抵布利斯班, 下午馬上來上課, 批改同學書法功課.
示範棣書, 篆書和草書, 只見陸老師隨心幾筆, 就完成作品,
陸先生到訪及余文賢老師回來都使書法班同學興奮, 大家能從書法前輩中領略書法心得, 都是寶貴的經驗, 對同學們的學習大有裨益.
This week, we are fortunate to have 2
calligraphers coming to our class. One is Mr Lu tien-yan, famous calligrapher
from Wu Xi, China. He generously demonstrated the calligraphy art to us.
Then our calligraphy teacher, Mr Allen Yu,
gave us a surprise visit. He flew back from Taiwan that morning. Once he
settled down, he came to the class.
We are glad to have the opportunities to
learn from different teachers, who are eager to share their art experience with